Inspiration (013)
I don’t know everything going on in your world, but I do know your significance is greater than you know and carries more value than you can tell.
McKenzie Hanson
Mckenzie’s a photographer, stop-motion artist, and filmmaker building her dreams in Chicago, IL.
Insight (012)
Every successful collab begins with the characteristics of the creatives involved.
Inspiration (012)
Wanted to remind you not to be so hard on yourself. You’re doing your best, dreaming your biggest, and working your hardest.
Taylor DeBlock
When moving to Los Angeles, CA in 2016, Taylor took the leap of faith to pursue his dream of becoming an R&B/Pop singer and producer.
Insight (011)
We may not all be going through the same things, but we are all going through this thing together…
Inspiration (011)
When rejection comes, a flood of feelings usually come with it. They tend to be ones of fear, doubt and discouragement…
Justis Kao
Justis is currently Chief of Staff & Head of Communications for, a new short-form premium streaming platform with one of the largest music video, game and movie trailer libraries.
Insight (010)
We’ll never know what a day will bring, but we can always make the most of it.
Inspiration (010)
You might not have it all together, might not have it all figured out, but guess what? You don’t have to.
Chloe Enos
Chloe’s a brilliant fashion photographer building her dreams in Los Angeles, CA.
Inspiration (009)
Faith works best when it needs to, so let it do its thing. Let it light up..let it burn away your doubts..let it rise..let it run wild.
Glennellen Anderson
Glennellen’s an incredible indie pop artist, actress, and model – who continues to turn every one of her dreams to reality.
Gabriel Lopez
Gabriel is a brilliant creative entrepreneur based in Chicago with his lovely wife Karla and son Addison.
Insight (007)
With all we’ve covered, and much more to come, it’s a good idea to have some help remembering it all.
Inspiration (007)
The journey doesn’t always come with the details, but God will always provide the direction.
Christina Wilcox
With a heart for people, self-development, and community, Christina has used her passion for the enneagram to help change and transform the lives of others.