Glennellen Anderson

We’re so excited to have the always amazing and wildly talented, Glennellen Anderson, with us for this week’s Dreamos Round Table. Glennellen’s an incredible indie pop artist (Slaying it internationally right now), actress (Killin it on “Stranger Things”), and model (Yup, for “Zara”), who continues to turn every one of her dreams to reality. Raised in Alabama, and now building her career in LA, she follows her faith wherever it takes her.

Her label and movement #BetterOffRed was coined by the color of her hair, but it was ultimately given the name to remind her and those who follow her how they’re perfect just the way they are - That it’s not what you do, but who you are, that matters most. Once again, we’re stoked to have Glennellen with us, and we hope you’re encouraged and inspired by hearing a little more of her heart, pursuit, and story. 

What dream are you currently turning into reality?

My passion for music and film. The arts won my heart very early on in life. Basically, it all started from the moment I was born in the 90’s on a Halloween night - The most theatrical night of the year - And I’ve been making it my reality since.

When did you first realize you discovered your dream?

Music was embedded in my soul from the start. When I was 2 years old, I was watching my parents perform. They’re both musicians and former members of the “New Christy Minstrels”. I ran up onstage to grab the microphone from them and sing, “You Are My Sunshine,” to thousands of onlookers.  So the music in me has been evident ever since.  For acting, I didn’t know how deeply I adored it until I did my first stage production around 10 years old in, “The Velveteen Rabbit.” It was the first extracurricular activity I’d taken up that made me tell my parents, “I want to keep doing this.” So, I did.  

Eventually, someone approached us asking if we’d ever considered pursuing it professionally. We sat down as a family and discussed it. They made sure I knew what I was getting into while also fully supporting my wanting to go for it. There wasn’t any doubt in my mind that it was what I wanted to do. I signed on with an agency, put in the work, and haven’t stopped.     

How does your faith go hand in hand with pursuing your dream?

Matthew McConaughey once described his faith in the simplest, most effective of ways, and it’s resonated with me ever since. To quote him: “First off, I want to thank God because that's who I look up. He's graced my life with opportunities that I know are not of my hand or of any other hand. He's shown me that it's a scientific fact that gratitude reciprocates.” I always refer to this quote when asked about my faith, and how it ties into my career pursuit. The truth is, it plays the greatest role. It’s a team effort, though. If I don’t work, He can’t fulfill His work. It’s a matter of listening, trusting and communicating.

The greatest thing I learned recently is that it doesn’t always have to be a positive discussion between me and the man upstairs. It’s also about feeling free to express your frustrations, to feel safe in saying, “Hey, God, I’m actually angry right now.” We have our closest friends and family who share this intimacy with us, so why is God not a part of that core group of loved ones? He should be the leader of that group. He’s played the greatest role in my life, every step of the way. 

What encouragement would you give someone who’s going after their dream?

When we sleep and dream, do things always go perfectly? In my experience, I’ve had some of the best of dreams that still take wide turns, sometimes get a little weird, maybe even unpleasant at points. The same process applies to a real-life dream, and going after it. You’re going to have days where it’s pure bliss, exciting and remarkable, and makes you think, “See, this is why I love doing this.” Then you’re going to have days where it tests you, gets rough, and maybe even brings out the worst in you. And during these low points, that’s when you need to remind yourself why you love it, even more than during the high points.  

When we unconditionally love a human being, they still disappoint us at times. But does that mean they’re not for you? Sometimes it does, sometimes it doesn’t. Give your dream your all.  Every ounce of your devotion, your belief, your time, your passion, your patience, and your faith.


Inspiration (009)


Insight (008)