Christina Wilcox

We’re so excited to have the always inspiring and creatively insightful Christina Wilcox with us for this week’s Dreamos Round Table. With a heart for people, self-development, and community, Christina has used her passion for the enneagram to help change and transform the lives of others. Through her platform, Christina helps thousands of people breakthrough stereotypes and experience life transformation in a creative and personal way.

Every post on her page is designed for the ultimate purpose of one thing - For others to discover more about who they are and to know they are deeply loved. Christina might be based in Denver, Colorado, but she is truly impacting the world. We hope you’re encouraged and inspired by hearing a little more of her heart, pursuit, and story.

What dream are you currently turning into reality?

To be honest, the biggest dream of my life is becoming a reality currently, but I cannot talk about the specifics of what it is (so annoying, I know). Besides that dream, I am currently working towards getting my MBA in Life-Coaching/Counseling while hustling to get some fun new products & wellness courses onto my website!

When did you first realize you discovered your dream?

This is honestly hard to answer, because I feel like I am still in the process of discovering. I’ve always had a “direction” I wanted to go, but where I am right now has solely been taking steps of faith and leaning into what God was doing presently in my life. Saying yes, and doing the next right thing for me in the moment, is honestly how I have begun to discover the true desires of my soul.     

How does your faith go hand in hand with pursuing your dream?

Man, it is essential. Excluding Him out of my work is not an option for me because the only way I can keep going in what I am doing is because of Him sustaining me. The only thing that matters to me in my work is that He is glorified through it - That someone discovers Him for the first time or falls in love with Him again. Through Him as well, it allows me to do the hustling I need to in this season, while being completely at peace & refreshed in the Spirit. I don’t do it perfectly, & honestly, it amazes me that I feel more broken than I ever have, and He is using this utter brokenness in me to make His strength perfect.

What encouragement would you give someone who’s going after their dream?

Hmmm. Don’t give up. No matter what anyone says. No matter what anyone tries to convince you of about yourself and your dreams. The ones who believe they can actually make an impact in the world are the ones who usually do. Also, don’t exclude yourself or take yourself out of the arena because you feel weak. Trust that God is going to sustain you, & He is enough. Your dreams aren’t about you ultimately anyway. Go afraid, go vulnerable, go weak, go broken. & watch how God shows up gently & evidently every single time.


Inspiration (007)


Insight (006)