Insight (008)

When rejection comes, a flood of feelings usually come with it. They tend to be ones of self-doubt and discouragement..which, if we’re being honest..are the type of feelings that can easily become thoughts of giving up. When those thoughts come, there are ways to let them go...and it happens through a new perspective. ⁣⁣

Whatever the opportunity, regardless of the outcome, you’ve got to do everything you can to see it all through the lens of growth. When you see disappointment as development, and failure as advice, rejection becomes preparation for the future. ⁣⁣

By the time you reach the place you’ve always wanted to get to, you’ll be just as developed as the dream you just built. Let the moments that feel like a pushback become opportunities to propel you forward.⁣⁣


Glennellen Anderson


Inspiration (008)