Taylor DeBlock

We’re so stoked to welcome our good friend, Taylor DeBlock, to the Dreamos Round Table. When moving to Los Angeles, CA in 2016, Taylor took the leap of faith to pursue his dream of becoming an R&B/Pop singer and producer.  

From studying under jazz and broadway vocal coaches, to now releasing his own records, that dream has made its way to reality. If it’s not already on repeat, you can find Taylor’s latest single anywhere you listen to music. His next project comes out this spring, and we’re one hundred percent here for it. We know you’ll be encouraged and inspired as you hear from his heart, story, and pursuit. 

What dream are you currently turning into reality?

What was once a dream has now become a goal. I’ve spent the last 4 years pursuing my dream of becoming a successful recording artist. In 2016 I moved to Los Angeles in hopes to make that dream a reality. Since then, I’ve released several singles and am on my way to completing my first EP. I say this dream has evolved into a goal, because the longer I go towards it, the more tangible it feels.

As I continue to pursue it more and more, I realize how important this truly is, not only to me, but to those who will listen to the music. I cannot wait until the day this dream is fully realized - that will be a beautiful day. In the meantime, I’ll remain focused on consistency - that’s the only way to realize any dream or goal - consistency.

When did you first realize you discovered your dream?

Since as far back as I can remember I’ve loved music. I’ve always been enamored by singers, choirs, bands, and shows since I was young - I always secretly dreamt of making music my reality. In high school I can vividly remember watching Michael Buble performing live, studying the way he won over a crowd all by himself. I would see him there on stage, one person captivating an entire room, and think, “Yep, I want to do that.” That time in my life was when I truly realized that I wanted to pursue music for the rest of my life - I had found it.    

How does your faith go hand in hand with pursuing your dream?

My relationship with God has played a huge part in this journey. I’ve spent more time than I can think of on my knees in prayer, asking God to give me strength to make this dream a reality. That said, God gives each of us different gifts, but what we do with those gifts is up to us. We shouldn’t be asking God to make things happen for us, because there is no glory in that - God wants to shine through you, not on you. My faith has helped me immensely throughout this journey as I’ve turned to God through each victory, as well as, each loss. 

What encouragement would you give someone who’s going after their dream?

Remember your purpose. To anyone who is pursuing this dream, remember that it does take time, sacrifice, and extremely hard work, but don’t forget why you started in the first place. God has given each of us a purpose that we can either pursue or deny, but it’s up to us if we’re willing enough to try.

I’d also encourage you with one word that has helped me through each year as I continue to pursue this dream: consistency. If you want to be great at anything, you need to consistently put in the work to make that dream a reality. It takes an uncomfortable amount of sacrifice and time to make any massive change, and that comes with the choice to be consistent. Is it easy? No, but it pays off.


Inspiration (012)


Insight (011)