McKenzie Hanson

We’ve got our incredibly gifted friend McKenzie Hanson with us for this week’s Dreamos Round Table, and we could not be more excited. Mckenzie’s a photographer, stop-motion artist, and filmmaker building her dreams in Chicago, IL. As a visual storyteller, she has the opportunity to work with nationally and locally acclaimed clients to strengthen their brand identity.

McKenzie balances her career pursuits with a toddler in tow, while simultaneously creating new projects with her partner, Cobey. Together they create catchy stop motions and visually gripping music video, and their next project is writing and producing a series of sketch comedies. We know you’ll be encouraged and inspired as you hear more from her heart, story, and pursuit.

What dream are you currently turning into reality?

If you asked me a year ago that I’d have directed and produced three music videos, I wouldn’t have envisioned where it guided me from there. I’m currently in the process of creating a comedic screenplay. This project will combine my passions of photo, video, music, acting, comedy, and self-improvement into one place. I’m a storyteller writing a new script, dreaming of what it could be, but allowing it to take on new versions, too. My ultimate dream is to pursue betterment of myself to help others 

When did you first realize you discovered your dream?

My life experiences are ever changing. In the same way, I’ve never had one fixed dream but I’ve always had the desire to tell stories and connect with others. My exploration process began on stage. Being able to express myself  through theatre and music was a good way to discover what I was capable of. I became interested in photography and then went on to start a business.

Then, I ventured into video, all while learning new things and building my skills. After years of working and learning about myself, alongside people of all different creative occupations, my dreams have continually evolved.    

How does your faith go hand in hand with pursuing your dream?

You have to have faith to start any new journey. God is my lighthouse. Even if I don't know where I'm going in my career or life, He helps me navigate the unknowns. On the path he helps me reach new parts of myself while overcoming old parts. Every piece of work I create feels like an ascension, my horizon expanding through each summit, strengthening me as I keep pursuing the artist in me for the good of the community.

Whether I’m cooking a dish in the kitchen, parenting my toddler, or producing visuals for clients, I use a combination of faith and skill to direct me to do the next right thing. (Frozen 2, anyone?) I practice gratitude for each victory (big or small) - Then I rest, recharge, and re-invent into the next dream. 

What encouragement would you give someone who’s going after their dream?

Start creating, even if you’re scared, keep creating, even when you fail, you’re still succeeding. Take your struggle and reflect on it, then push forward with your new information of how you’re going to try a different way. You need to find the rhythm and dance with your dream to discover yourself even deeper before leveling up and helping others too.


Inspiration (013)


Insight (012)