Insight (085)
Even though we can’t always tell what comes next, He’s already told us how it ends - It all works out..
Insight (084)
You might not be able to do everything about all things, but you can do something about one thing..
Insight (083)
Whenever you get a “red flag” feeling, it’s always a good idea to pay attention to it..
Insight (082)
Giving up usually comes when fear tricks us into believing that faith won’t be enough to get us where we dream to go..
Insight (081)
There might always be a troll or two doing their best to get the best of you, but words like theirs are meant to be forgotten..
Insight (078)
A lot about getting to a dream is really about getting to a spot where you’re more comfortable with taking steps than you are with standing still..
Insight (077)
All your experiences, no matter the size, can be shared to make a difference in the life of someone else..
Insight (076)
Whenever God gives you “the nod” to go for it, it’s always a good idea to start moving on it..
Insight (075)
No matter where you’re at, or however long ago you started, God’s gonna make up the time it takes to get there..
Insight (073)
There’s so many dreamer’s standing on the edge of faith choosing to stay grounded rather than deciding to take flight..
Insight (072)
It might sound a little too simple, but the way to move forward is by taking steps that, well, take you forward..
Insight (071)
There’s people you know, and others you’ll never meet, whose world will be changed simply because of who you are and the dreams you’re bringing to life..
Insight (070)
As you make your way through the day, let your thoughts play with positivity..
Insight (069)
Moving on what you’ve imagined becomes a lot more fun when you put your faith into thoughts of possibility..
Insight (068)
No matter how real it feels sometimes, you haven’t missed out on your dreams..
Insight (067)
Not sure if you’ve ever really thought about it before, but God believes in you - A lot. I mean, a lot, a lot..