Insight (080)

There’s gonna be those in your life who don’t really understand what you’re up to. Even if you share your hopes and express your ideas over and again, there will always be some left with blank stares and question marks. And, ya know what? That’s okay.

Rather than letting their thoughts knock the wind out of your purpose, let their feedback fuel your passion to persevere. The thing is - People don’t need to get your dream for it to be real. Your dreams aren’t for them to get anyway, they’re for you to get after.

The more you allow others to misunderstand you, or misinterpret your motives, the more freedom you’ll find in what you know to be true. So, go on and let go of what others might think, or what they could say, the future you’re creating will speak for itself.


Sam Opoku


Tatianna Tolliver