Insight (073)

There’s so many dreamer’s standing on the edge of faith choosing to stay grounded rather than deciding to take flight.

I mean, I get it. There they are, innocently talking to God about their dreams, when suddenly, they get a sense that He’s been taking them seriously the whole time. They try to back pedal, but it’s too late. He's already brought to mind what they’ll need to do next - Jump.

At that moment, they have two choices - They can either trust what they see or trust what He says. If they choose fear, they’ll only be able to see how far they might fall. But, if they choose faith, they’ll be able to see just how far they could fly.

If you’ve been feeling that subtle, or maybe not so subtle nudge, I just wanna encourage you - Jump. You might not know what’ll happen next, but if He’s asking you to do it, there’s only one direction you’re gonna go - Up.


Canaan Cox


Lynden Orr