Sajan Nauriyal

Sajan’s a music artist, songwriter, and producer from Seattle, WA, now building his dreams from Nashville, TN.

Sajan’s story is written with a step by step kind of faith. Whether he’s writing or producing for others, or in the studio creating for his own project, Sajan goes from one “yes” to the next - As long as God’s asking Him to. As the writer/producer behind his music, Sajan has the opportunity to not only connect with his listeners, but craft each song in a way that makes a positive difference.

To Sajan, music’s just never been about being known, but helping others feel known through every next song he releases.

What dream are you currently turning into reality?

I’m currently pursuing a career in the music industry! I want to write and produce records for artists and release music myself.

When did you first realize you discovered your dream?

In my early teen years I really started to fall in love with music. It just made me feel alive in a way I hadn’t experienced before.

After spending time playing music in church and watching the Lord use it to impact people, I knew I wanted to play a part in using music to uplift others.

How does your faith go hand in hand with pursuing your dream?

I can honestly say I wouldn’t be doing this without Jesus. He’s given me so much I never deserved and sustained me through seasons of wanting to give up.

It’s such a sheer gift to walk with Him through every new day He gives. I want my faith to be apparent in every studio interaction and in the music I make.

What’s one or two practical steps you take to keep moving forward?

Goal setting and organization have helped me tremendously. If I can break down what I’m doing into manageable daily tasks and execute those, then climbing the mountain feels way less overwhelming.

What encouragement would you share with someone who’s going after their dream?

Don’t attach your personal value or joy in life to the thing you’re chasing. That fulfillment comes from God. Living an enjoyable life with the Lord, regardless of what you’re doing, helps give you the gratitude and level-headedness needed to execute your goals with patience and consistency.


Insight (140)


Insight (139)