Insight (140)

Sometimes, you just gotta take the step for no other reason than that God’s asking you to. When it comes to faith, that’s really all you need. Fear and doubt are gonna say it’s never that simple, but God never complicates what He knows will work.

Sure, some steps are gonna be harder to take than others, but steps don’t need to be easy to work. They just need to be taken with Him, and you can guarantee they will. I mean, that’s really the thing to remember - When He asks you to go, you’re not going alone. You’re going with Him, and that’s what makes the difference.

If you’re feeling the nudge you know is from Him, it’s most likely time to do something about it. The thing is - If it wasn’t the time, He wouldn’t be asking. So, if He is, then you know what you gotta do. Take the step - It’s gonna work.


Kiara Whiting


Sajan Nauriyal