Sadie Schwanberg

Sadie’s a visual storyteller (photo, video, design) getting after her dreams from Nashville, TN.

Living by faith every step of the way, Sadie isn’t only building a career, but creating a space for lasting impact. Whether behind the camera or in a conversation, Sadie helps others feel seen, known, and wanted for exactly as they are.

No matter if she’s working with established artists or artists on the rise, Sadie pours everything she has into capturing the magic of who they are in their process.

What dream are you currently turning into reality?

Content creation (photo, video, & design) within the music industry.

When did you first realize you discovered your dream?

I discovered my dream when I received my first camera in middle school. I taught myself how to create videos (shout out to YouTube University) and eventually added music to my edits.

The pairing of the two mediums was magical and inspiring to me. During sophomore year of high school, I shot my first concert (aka snuck my camera into a venue) and dove into the music scene.

After establishing a content developer role for an established female artist after high school, I fell in love with visual artist development. From there, I began partnering with other musicians in my community.

I quickly realized that I love more than just photographing live performances, but capturing artist development as a whole.

How does your faith go hand in hand with pursuing your dream?

Without God, dreams would be an empty pursuit. With God, there’s a deeply rooted purpose you get to partner in together.

What’s one or two practical steps you take to keep moving forward?

Quiet time is key in sustainable artistry. You can only effortlessly pour out if you are being poured into. For me, this looks like alone time with God to reflect and remember who He says He is and what He thinks about me.

What encouragement would you share with someone who’s going after their dream?

Do not rush the timing or the process. God is more interested in developing your character than your successes.


Insight (139)


Insight (138)