Insight (138)

When you’re up to something big, you’re gonna come up against some pretty big challenges. Some will seem as big as the dream itself, but they’ll never match the bigness of God, or the big things He’s doing in your life.

If you’re like me, you probably wanna get over the challenge as fast as possible. You might even peek around the corner to see if there’s any other way forward. But, most of the time, there’s just not.

The only way forward is usually found in going through the very thing you wanted to avoid. But, that’s what being a dreamer is all about. It’s putting your faith over fears, dreams over doubts, and courage over concerns. It’s facing every challenge like He’s got you, because you know He does.

So, even when the challenges look pretty big, just remember - God’s bigger. You can be sure He’ll help you reach your big dreams.


Sadie Schwanberg


Phoebe Rodgers