Paul Weaver

We’re stoked to welcome our friend Paul Weaver to the Dreamos Round Table! Paul’s an incredible photographer & videographer building his dreams from Minneapolis, MN. 

Paul’s passion is found in helping the brand’s of others reach their fullest potential. His work mainly consists of strategic photo and video for brands and entrepreneurs in the health and wellness space. Each day Paul wakes up, he’s just as eager as the day before to show the world what a brand is truly about - Bringing their story to life.

When he’s not out on shoots, he’s most likely at a computer engaging with students in his Freelance Photographer Course. It’s there where he’s empowers others to pursue their dream as a full-time photographer.

Whether it’s on a shoot or through his course, his faith, perspective, and mentality continues  to make a significant impact on the lives of others. We know you’ll be encouraged and inspired as you hear more from his heart, story, and pursuit.

What dream are you currently turning into reality?

My newest endeavor has been building out a photography course. The most joy I find in this season is the 1-on-1 relationships that I have with hundreds of my students around the world.

When did you first realize you discovered your dream?

I first realized that photography was something that really fueled me when I was in high school. It was an outlet for me to get creative, but also connect with individuals on a deeper level. 

How does your faith go hand in hand with pursuing your dream?

I’ve leaned on my faith as I’ve stepped out on my own, and it’s something that keeps me grounded as I navigate the ups and downs of owning my own business. Without God I am nothing. I’ve been able to see Him show up in every season, and his hand in everything - Whether it’s the people I meet, the projects I get to be a part of, or the rooms I walk into.

What are some practical steps you take to keep moving forward?

I make it a practice to write things down on a post-it note. Throughout the week I find myself jotting down short-term and long-term goals on post-it notes that live all over my office. I believe in repetition, so there are multiple versions of each.

What encouragement would you give someone who’s going after their dream?

Know that being uncomfortable is GOOD. It’s what leads to breakthrough moments, both personally and spiritually - It gets you closer to what God is calling you to in the season ahead. Also, you have gifts that were given to you to share with the world, and the only way to fulfill your calling is to be open to stepping outside your comfort zone.


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