Insight (039)

God wants you to know your dreams and bring each one to life. Sometimes, a dream might feel so big you’re not really sure who to tell...not sure who would understand. That’s completely normal. Your dreams mean a lot to you, and you believe in it’s fair for you to want someone to believe in you just as much.

We talked a little last week on how God will align your steps with those He’d like you to become friends with. The friends He wants for you are those who will listen to understand, share to strengthen, encourage to inspire, and advise to empower. You can trust these friends with your dreams because they’ll trust you with theirs.

Your dreams are bigger than you can get to on your own because He wants you to get there together. You might not have the same exact dreams, but the lessons learned, failures overcome, and victories won will be the stories that help you pull each other up and push each other forward.


Paul Weaver


James Davis II