Insight (040)

Wherever you dream to go, there’s someone who’s gone there before. They’ve battled resistance, fought through fear, called on faith, and lived to tell the stories of how God came through. These are the dreamers who believed it was possible, and they’ll believe the same for you.

Just how God makes intros for great friendships, He’ll help you meet solid mentors. They’re the ones who have been where you are and know what it takes to reach what you’re after. They’ll let you in on the lessons they’ve learned so you can grow from their experiences. 

Since they’ve already seen a lot of what you’ll see one day, they can prepare you for what’s to come, while helping you stay grounded until you get there. They’ll also help you notice what you’ve overlooked, help you see your blindspots, and help open your eyes to read between the lines of any situation.

Dreams are a lot more likely to be met when you’ve got someone to help you reach them. Take some time to think of someone you know, or maybe someone your friend knows, who’s been where you want to go. Then, reach out. Your mentor might just be one text or call away.


Arifé Del Cielo


Paul Weaver