Logan Lewis

Logan’s a film photographer pursuing his dreams in Phoenix, Arizona.

With a faith-driven dream and passion for impact, Logan does all he can with what he has to make a difference in the lives of those around him. Through his creative storytelling and well-crafted production, Logan brings ideas to life in a unique and memorable way.

As someone who’s just as passionate about creativity as he is ministry, Logan’s able to see things through a unique perspective. With the ability to both create and communicate faith, Logan helps others get to know Jesus better than they had before.

Whatever dream or ambition, Logan gets after it all with a full heart, optimistic outlook, and a kindness that brings others together.

What dream are you currently turning into reality?

The career I am currently pursuing is photography and fashion design, alongside pastoral ministry. I want to use my creative passions in rhythm with a pastoral role in the local church.

When did you first realize you discovered your dream?

I’ve dreamt of many careers, but I’ve always felt that God has called me to lead in the church. Through music, media, and teaching, God has used me in so many different ways to serve His house. Throughout the years, I’ve developed a huge passion for photography and fashion. I see these as ways to express God-given creativity and inspiration.

How does your faith go hand in hand with pursuing your dream?

I think photography and fashion are just another opportunity to share the love of Christ. I have many passions that allow me to be in a secular space, outside the church bubble. The best way to share Jesus with people is to be their friend first, and bond over a common interest.

What’s one or two practical steps you take to keep moving forward?

I believe the Holy Spirit brings wisdom, guidance, conviction and inspiration, among many other things. I’m my most creative, best self, when I’m tuned in to His voice. It gets easy to become overwhelmed, but never forget the power of taking a deep breath, slowing down, and asking God to bring clarity.

What encouragement would you share with someone who’s going after their dream?

Find the dream that aligns with the gifts and passions God has given you, and do everything to chase it down. Don’t be afraid to dream big - That’s where God shows up. Pray for courage to overcome self-doubt and don’t fall victim to comparison.


Insight (106)


Insight (105)