Insight (105)

I know we’ve heard a lot about how God’s got us, but what if He really does? What if we really took that to heart and lived like it was true? I think it’d change the way we thought about our future’s and even about ourselves.

If we truly lived like He’s got us, I bet we’d take a whole lot more risks, because knowing He’s got us, we’d realize they weren’t really risks at all. We’d know they were just the next thing to do, so we’d do them.

We wouldn’t think about it, because there’d be nothing to think about. Kinda like breathing. We’d inhale, exhale, and be on our way. Nothing to think about.

I wanna live like this. I wanna believe what He says about me, what He says I can be. That He’s really got me. Don’t you? I know we can. So, let’s do it. Let’s really live like He’s got us. Ready? Inhale..exhale..let’s go.


Logan Lewis


Destin Johnson