Kiara Whiting

Kiara’s a graphic designer getting after her dreams from Baltimore, MD.

At the core of who she is and all she does is a passion to inspire through the art she creates. Whether Kiara’s working with small brands, big companies, or Grammy award winning artists, her purpose stays the same - Helping others get to know Jesus a little more every day.

From starting out in the design world to now growing her footprint in the industry, Kiara’s story is one that proves what can happen when faith is put in motion.

What dream are you currently turning into reality?

I have many dreams that are always shifting and evolving, but at the heart of them all is this deep desire to create things that inspire people and point them to Jesus. To introduce people to the God I know. Wherever that leads me, is the dream.

When did you first realize you discovered your dream?

It’s hard to say I “discovered” my dream because it truly feels like something I just stumbled into, something that came naturally. I didn’t start sharing my art with the intention of making a career of it. I just genuinely love Jesus and making art so I started to share it. From there, everything just started unfolding and the path I was supposed to take became more clear.

I’ve always loved all things creative, but I don’t think I ever imagined I’d spend my days creating 24/7. Most days I wake up overwhelmed with gratitude because I feel so honored that this is the life I get to live. I get to wake up and pursue something I’m passionate about. That’s something I’ll always be grateful for.

How does your faith go hand in hand with pursuing your dream?

It’s the center of everything I do. Nothing I create would be possible without faith. For whatever reason, this is the way God chose to use me, so I’ll use my creativity to point people to the Creator.

God’s shown Himself faithful so many times in my life and He’s always proven Himself to be good, how could I not want to share that?

What’s one or two practical steps you take to keep moving forward?

Two things I prioritize throughout my day and my week are worship and rest.

Worship sets the tone for my day, it shifts my perspective and helps me remember how kind, how loving, and how good God is. When you recognize that God’s given you His best, you’ll be inspired to give Him your best in return.

Rest is so important to my routine and helps me avoid burnout. This was a tough one for me. True rest requires faith, it requires surrender. When we rest, we’re trusting that God will still provide even if we’re not working.

What encouragement would you share with someone who’s going after their dream?

Don’t be discouraged if what you're after seems out of reach. In the waiting, God is preparing you for the dreams and plans He has for you. Surrender your dreams and enjoy the journey.


Insight (141)


Insight (140)