Insight (135)

Just in case you didn’t know - It’s really okay to feel some nerves when you’re doing something new.

I mean, you’ve never done whatever it is you’re about to do, and your mind genuinely just needs some time to catch up to your faith.

That’s why it’s never a good idea to think about things too much. When you overthink, you under-faith, and you’re gonna need all the faith you’ve got to get to your dreams.

The thing is - Faith isn’t as much of a risk when it becomes a habit.

When you do something enough, it gets familiar, and it starts to be what’s normal. The more often you use your faith, the more easily you’ll move in it, simply because it’s what you’re used to.

So, if you’re feeling the nerves, go ahead and do it anyway. It might not feel natural, but one day it will. All it takes is a little practice.


Joshua Christie


Caden Fabrizio