Caden Fabrizio

Caden’s a content creator, podcaster, writer, and speaker getting after all his dreams from Los Angeles, CA.

Driven by faith and moved by hope, Caden uses all he’s learned from the past and present to encourage and empower the future of others. Whether it’s through a podcast interview, sharing from stage, or talking with friends, Caden’s ability to shift perspective and point others toward hope is what continues to set him apart.

To Caden, it’s never been about the dream itself, but everything he knows God will do through it.

What dream are you currently turning into reality?

Currently, I’m turning my dream of writing, podcasting, speaking, and influencing people for Jesus into reality. For the last 5 years, and more intensely the last 2 years, I’ve realized my passion to see people experience a life full of freedom, fullness, and purpose. A life that can only come from living closely and intimately with Jesus.

My dream is to use the voice God has given me to speak to the hopeless, the hurting, the confused, and all those that feel “stuck.” To show them that a vibrant life full of freedom and fullness is closer than they think. I’m determined to do all I can to love and lead people into this type of life by showing them Who this life can come from.

When did you first realize you discovered your dream?

When I was a freshman in college, I was intently pursuing what I thought was my “dream.” I was playing tennis in college and dreamed daily about what it would look like to play on the pro-tour.

After 4 injuries and subsequently four surgeries, the non-reality of that dream started to hit me. The pro-tour…let alone the three years of college tennis I had left… was never going to happen for me.

In that time, I ended up having an encounter with the Holy Spirit that rerouted and rerooted my life in a totally different direction. I started to realize my true giftings, my true passions. The more that I sought the Lord, the more and more my passions started to align with the heart of Jesus.

I remember one day two years ago, I was reflecting in my room about my life. The major ups and the major downs…and I had a realization. My life was most fulfilled, most free, and most purposed not when I was performing my best, making the most money, or when I was the most successful by the world’s standards. It was the most free and full when I was the closest to Jesus - When knowing Jesus closely and intimately was the core of my life. I realized then that I wanted to show as many people as I could that this is truly living, truly thriving. LIfe with Jesus is the best life.

How does your faith go hand in hand with pursuing your dream?

It’s everything, the driving factor for all I do. I feel God has given me a unique perspective to see the world through a lens that can identify the beauty, the good, and the potential in every opportunity and obstacle. The entirety of my dream has been realized only through seeing God move in my own life and by learning the lessons He has been teaching me.

What’s one or two practical steps you take to keep moving forward?

I think the first and maybe the hardest step in moving forward is being present and learning to love the journey. Living in a posture of gratitude for where you are now and where you are going. Because, the reality is - The next step, the next deal, the next open door, and the next opportunity is just that. It’s “the next.” If you live your life driven by the satisfaction of “the next”, you will never see the beauty of “the now.”

Practically, what does that look like? It looks like seizing the day. It’s creating routines and rhythms that allow you to be present and make the most of each day. For me, that looks like waking up early, having quiet time with Jesus, getting to the gym, and coming home to get into my work day. Some days, even at night, it’s finding a way to spend time with the people I love (family and friends), and simply enjoying the fun and refreshment from those relationships.

Each piece of my routine helps me take care of one element in the present. How do I become more intimate with Jesus today? How do I get filled up to go and do what Jesus has planned for me today? Quiet time. How do I take care of my body today? Gym. How do I work toward my goals today? Work. How do I love others and rejuvenate my soul today? Friends and family. Each part of this routine is designed to help me be the best I can be, today. Then I do it again the next day..

What encouragement would you share with someone who’s going after their dream?

You are needed. The dreams God has placed in your heart are needed. Some days it may be hard. Some days your dream may seem impossible. But, if God said it, and you’re working toward it - You will see it. Trust in Jesus. Seek Him more than anything else. And, believe wholeheartedly that you were made for exactly what God has placed inside of you.


Insight (135)


Insight (134)