Insight (130)

Dreams often begin as one thing and become something else entirely. It’s not as if your original dream wouldn’t have worked, but God will use your faith for one idea to grow your faith for another one.

The change might feel like a disappointment, but don’t let it mislead you - It’s the pathway to what’s next. The trick is to let go of what you thought would happen, and trust in what He knows will come. When you hand the unknown off to God, and trust His process through it, you’ll find yourself in a position for progress.

Here’s the thing - God knows what He’s doing. He also knows you best. He knows what it’s gonna take to get you where you need to go, and He’s gonna make sure it happens. He might make a decision to switch something up, but don’t let it throw you off - He’s setting you up.


Joseph McNichols


Jess Soccorsi