Joseph McNichols

Joseph’s a visual storyteller getting after his dreams from Phoenix, AZ.

Joseph’s life is written with faith, courage, and a ton of action. He’s never been one to simply wait for things to happen to him, but someone who does whatever it takes to keep things moving forward. With a real drive for authentic storytelling, Joseph empowers others and their journey’s through every project he takes on.

Whether he’s shooting artists, involved in award shows, producing music videos and films, or working production for Major League Baseball, Joseph does it all with complete trust that God is about to do something special through it.

What dream are you currently turning into reality?

Waking up every day and being able to create and do what I love, that’s the dream. I believe being called to create is one of the most special callings one could have.

Whether it be a photography shoot, concert, worship session, graphic design project, film, anything, and everything - I’m continuing to grow, learn, and achieve no matter what or where God has me. I’m committed to the calling.

I never view things as just a job. If this is what God’s called me to, I’m going to give my all no matter what the assignment is, because it’s for Him - And, He chose me to do this for a living. When that next door opens, I will step into it and do the same.

When did you first realize you discovered your dream?

I was lucky enough to be part of a high school with outstanding leadership and teachers. They believed in me, dedicated time, and provided multiple opportunities for me to get my hands on gear and projects, and just start creating.

I got to be part of many firsts for the school, like creating a mini-documentary highlighting the dance team and their teacher, shooting the first-ever school lip dub, and directing a senior video tribute. I knew telling stories and creating was my dream from there on. As I was editing these projects, I realized the power of the story and how it can affect people's emotions.

How does your faith go hand in hand with pursuing your dream?

Faith is the most important; it's the everyday. I have to be connected to the Creator to create. I can try hard to do it on my own, but I fail. Starting my day off with worship and God's Word really sets the tone for the day's mood, but also for my art.

Pursuing this dream also has not been easy. Sometimes you mess up, make mistakes, don't believe in yourself, receive words you don't want to hear, and have projects that never see the light of day, etc. I have to embrace these. I know that God's created me and called me to do this. I was made in His image to produce good works. "And whatever you do, do it heartily, as to the Lord and not to men”, Colossians 3:23.

On the days when the skies are gray, I know it's not about me at the end of the day, and it's all in His plan. So, trusting in God has really strengthened my faith. There are also a ton of great leadership principles that you can take away from stories in the Bible. I also am grateful for God's grace when I mess up. I am human and imperfect, so I need His love, grace, strength, peace, comfort, and more every day. It's not just in pursuing my dream but in everyday life.

What’s one or two practical steps you take to keep moving forward?

To me, the most important thing is to keep moving forward. Apply the lessons you’ve learned each day, both positive and negative, and keep going. I have projects I like and projects that I struggle through. I persevere through the pursuit. God's called me! I got this! We all have to remember - Our strength comes from the Lord; So, don't sit in the fear of doubt or mistakes. Instead, embrace Him and know He’ll continue to guide your future.

A close second is seeking guidance, mentorship, and critique. I’m always looking at ways to improve myself. I am constantly learning and growing, to continue to be successful. It also helps to have fellow creatives and leaders guide me in tough times when I want to give up. They'll give me wisdom, encouragement, and support, but also help me get better and gain a different perspective. It's very vital. Sometimes, it's just what I need to refuel and be inspired; it's also good to redirect my focus on what matters.

What encouragement would you share with someone who’s going after their dream?

A few things I’d say are…

Pursue your dream with passion. Give it your all; it’s for the Lord. You’ll make mistakes, but grow from them. Teach someone else; it makes you better. Network - There is so much wisdom and guidance out there waiting to be shared with you. “No” can be your biggest motivator.


Insight (131)


Insight (130)