Destin Johnson

Destin’s a drummer, musical director, and creative director building his dreams from New York.

With Destin coming from a musical family background, music’s always played a key role in his life as a creative outlet. Over the years, he’s expanded his musical palette in genres ranging from pop, alternative, indie, hip-hop, gospel, and electronic.

From one faith move to the next, Destin’s had the opportunity to work with artists like Dua Lipa, Deb Never, Chance The Rapper, and Dora Jar.

No matter the success or size of the milestone, Destin points it all back to God, the foundation for all he does.

What dream are you currently turning into reality?

My current endeavor becoming a reality is the opportunity of being in a musical director role for artists while also providing creative direction in some instances. It’s been a huge dream of mine to be able to take an artist’s vision for their live experience and bring it to life.

When did you first realize you discovered your dream?

I believe the possibility to do this full time came from my local church in South Florida. They were very much into cultivating and investing into their volunteers, especially their young creatives.

At the time, I mainly focused on drums, but I started getting into concepts of live music arranging, visual content, and stage plots which became a huge passion of mine.

How does your faith go hand in hand with pursuing your dream?

Well, I got my start in my musical journey from playing drums in church. Ultimately, how I approach music comes from being brought up in a charismatic church. This includes values and morals that have become a foundation when I ventured out to create in different avenues.

In a sense, having that solid spiritual base prepared me, and will continue to, for future projects.

Foundations are what you build upon.

What’s one or two practical steps you take to keep moving forward?

Setting goals that can be measured are key for me. Having a schedule/agenda is also very beneficial, especially with planning with other potential clients.

Also, expanding your skill set can be helpful to your work as well.

What encouragement would you share with someone who’s going after their dream?

Lean on character. Being kind, generous, collaborative, and open to critique will keep you working. Treat every opportunity, no matter how massive or small, with respect and urgency.

My pastor would reference Luke 16:10 quite often and it holds true - “You have been faithful with a few things; I will put you in charge of many things.”


Insight (105)


Insight (104)