Tatianna Tolliver

Tatianna’s a Dallas, TX based entrepreneur, creative director, and co-founder of Optimist Studios.

At the center of all she does is a passion to come alongside and empower those who are on a mission to say something that makes a difference in the world. With a glass half-full mentality, Tatiana approaches every client and project with a, “Nothing’s too big and nothing’s out of reach” perspective.

As someone who pulls the creative best out of others, her world is full of imagination, innovation, and progress. Her love for people and the dreams they long to bring to life is a constant driver for her ever growing ambitions.

We know you’ll be encouraged and inspired as you hear more from her heart, story, and pursuit.

What dream are you currently turning into reality?

I recently co-founded a creative studio called, “Optimist Studios”, which focuses on defining creative solutions and building brands of the future. Something we say at “Optimist Studios” is - “It’s a place where dreams lead to ideas and ideas become a reality.” This is something I’m now living in as “Optimist Studios” grows and expands.

When did you first realize you discovered your dream?

I attended a conference as a student in high school, saw a member of the production crew shooting the event, and I just remember thinking - “I think that’s what I want to do.”

I had already developed a love for photography, but I never thought about it as a career. That really was a defining moment for me. It unlocked so much in me and caused me to explore the creative world in a more serious way. It eventually led me to discovering my passion for other creative mediums far beyond just photography.

How does your faith go hand in hand with pursuing your dream?

Without the Lord, I wouldn’t even have the ability to dream and create. So, that’s really compelled me to approach every opportunity with an optimistic reverence for the future in everything I pursue.

Launching a creative studio was definitely a big step of faith. In the same way though, it was the most exciting and peaceful process, knowing it was something I felt called to do. I truly believe that everyone is creative, and I love getting to dream with people and help them discover that for their own hopes and dreams.

A scripture that has been a foundation in my life pertaining to pursuing my ambitions is 1 Chronicles 28:20 (MSG) - “Take charge! Take heart! Don’t be anxious or get discouraged. God, my God, is with you in this; he won’t walk off and leave you in the lurch. He’s at your side until every last detail is completed…”

So, even when it gets tough and you feel discouraged, remember - The Lord will turn what seems like your biggest failures into your greatest triumphs. Even in the doubt, He is there.

What’s one or two practical steps you take to keep moving forward?

The idea of a strict schedule has never been appealing to me, but as I’ve gotten older and busier, following a consistent plan has been freeing and has helped streamline my days. It also limits indecisive decision making, which is a huge plus! Anything I can do to put time back in my pocket is a win! As simple and silly as it may seem, a consistent bedtime routine has transformed my level of productivity.

Another habit I have formed overtime is carving out space to be creative with no agenda. Although my job immerses me in creative meetings and processes everyday, having an outlet just for enjoyment is vital. If I’m not fulfilled creatively, not only is my workflow affected, but my to-do list often takes twice as long because I feel empty creatively.

What encouragement would you share with someone who’s going after their dream?

A dear friend who believed in me early on in my journey told me to have “thick skin and a soft heart”. That phrase has stuck with me ever since and has been a needed reminder in times when I have had doors closed on me and felt overlooked. I truly believe that if your heart is in the right place, and you keep at your goals, you can achieve staggering dreams.


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