Lynden Orr

Lynden’s a fashion model, actress, and lifestyle blogger pursuing her dreams from Los Angeles, CA.

Navigating the fashion industry with faith is what’s been the guiding light for Lynden every step of the way. Whether it’s an audition, shoot, or simple conversation, Lynden lives her life on purpose. With so many ups and downs along the way to her dreams, Lynden’s found her way forward by placing her trust, confidence, and identity in her relationship with God.

Throughout her journey, Lynden’s been a source of encouragement for others to look for the positive, see the good in people, and really go for their dreams. We know you’ll be encouraged and inspired as you hear more from her heart, story, and pursuit.

What dream are you currently turning into reality?

Fashion modeling.

When did you first realize you discovered your dream?

I started modeling when I was 10 years old and it’s been my dream ever since!

How does your faith go hand in hand with pursuing your dream?

The modeling industry can be shallow and superficial. I believe my calling is to bring light into a dark place, and share the gospel by sincerely caring for, and loving those I work with. I also know that my worth is not in my body image. Those things are fleeting and unpredictable. My worth is in the knowledge that Someone died so that I could live. That is the message I want to bring each day with me to the set.

What’s one or two practical steps you take to keep moving forward?

I love to journal. Writing down my thoughts is so beneficial for two reasons:

  1. It helps anchor the ideas bouncing around my head by making them permanent on paper. Thoughts like: What I am grateful for, what areas of my life need work, how I’m feeling that day, what my goals and aspirations are, or what I am praying for.

  2. I like to go back through and read what I wrote. It’s been the greatest blessing to see the answered prayers (and the unanswered ones that ended up working out in God’s timing). I love reading how big my worries seemed at the time, or how time healed wounds - Especially the little, beautiful, day-to-day moments in between that shaped my life, who I am, and how appreciative I am for them.

What encouragement would you share with someone who’s going after their dream?

When you walk into an interview, a casting, or an audition, make sure to think the best of others. Know that the people you are meeting with want to find their person! They are looking at you and hoping that you are the one for the job!

So, go into every opportunity with confidence. You might not be able to control the outcome, but you can always be your best! And if you don’t get it, try not to project the reason. If it’s for an acting job for example, you may not have gotten the part because the male lead is 10 inches shorter than you, not because you aren’t a marvelous actress!! You just really never know, so pull up your bootstraps and on to the next!


Insight (073)


Insight (072)