Canaan Cox

Canaan’s a music artist, songwriter, actor, producer, and director building his dreams from Nashville, TN.

With a heart for music, a passion for entertainment, and a drive to keep moving forward, Canaan puts every bit of his faith into action.

Whether it’s tracking in the studio, working behind the camera, or performing from the stage, Canaan brings stories to life in a way that only he can.

Over the years, Canaan has independently released songs that have brought people together from all over the world. From following one opportunity to the next, Canaan has even found himself traveling overseas to headline his own tours.

As Canaan continues rolling out new music, like his latest single “One Percent,” he continues on the path of making a true difference in the lives of others. We know you’ll be encouraged and inspired as you hear more from his heart, story, and pursuit.

What dream are you currently turning into reality?

Entertaining for a living. And, I use the word “entertaining” on purpose. Of course, I’m a touring artist.

When did you first realize you discovered your dream?

Honestly, ever since I can remember. I came from a large family (7 sisters and a brother) and found myself loving to be the “center of attention.” I always had an audience, and whether it was learning a new song on an instrument, or reenacting scenes from movies, I just wanted to perform.

How does your faith go hand in hand with pursuing your dream?

Everything is simply a blessing. What you see, hear, and even the movements in my career are all gifts from Him. I’m thankful everyday for it all. I feel it’s almost an assurance chasing this dream. As I stated earlier, I’ve always desired this. I don’t think that was put in me for no reason. So, when it gets hard, and it surely does, it’s comforting to say...“He has a plan.”

What’s one or two practical steps you take to keep moving forward?

I’m a big fan of To-Do lists and affirmations. Writing your goals down is a must! Even your day-to-day goals are attributed to the bigger ones.

Every night I write out what I need to get done for the next. I’m a firm believer in the law of attraction, so affirmations are critical - But, so is the work.

What encouragement would you share with someone who’s going after their dream?

Do everything you can for yourself until you can’t. There’s just so much you can do to put yourself in a winning situation. Create your empire and then let the ones who see your vision help as it grows. And, one thing I'm working on myself is patience. It is probably 95% of what gets in my way.


Insight (074)


Insight (073)