Insight (045)

We talked a little last week about how the visuals you create are the connecting points for someone else. How, when you know who you’re wanting to reach, you can be more intentional with the ways you’re reaching them. Today, we’re talking through some of the tension of knowing who your people are, but still not exactly sure of what they want or how to purposefully connect.

One of the best ways to know what someone likes or what they want is just by asking them. At first it can seem pretty simple, but it takes courage to be transparent and humility to welcome perspective. Most people think you need to have all the answers to be successful, but the truth is, you just need to ask the right questions.

When you’re open to conversation, and the feedback that comes with it, you’ll have more of the insight needed to create something that connects.


Shelby Leinbach


Erin Moon