Erin Moon

Erin’s a fashion model and aspiring actress from Orange County, CA, now pursuing her dreams in Nashville, TN.

Before Erin’s modeling career began taking shape, she had plans to move to Nashville, TN to build her music career. As time went on and faith continued to lead her, she found herself walking along a new path into modeling. Although Erin had amazing opportunities in the industry, it wasn’t until she found her “why,” that she truly came alive.

Erin aspires to break barriers in mainstream media, taking on roles that will bring greater light towards Asian-American representation in film and pictures. With her vision locked and passion ignited, Erin’s drive to be a part of the change has already begun to pave the way for young women pursuing a career in the entertainment industry.

We know you’ll be encouraged and inspired as you hear more from her heart, story, and pursuit.

What dream are you currently turning into reality?

I’m currently pursuing an acting and fashion modeling career. I moved to Nashville 4 years ago from California to attend Belmont University. I originally moved here to pursue music, and then ended up signing with a modeling agency during my last year in college. I still love music and would love to incorporate it into my career sometime in the near future; but as of right now, I’m very happy and thankful to all those who have been a part of helping me along my journey!

When did you first realize you discovered your dream?

I realized I discovered my dream when I finally knew my “why”. In the beginning of my modeling career, I started to realize I was different from the majority of mainstream models. My physical appearance, my background, my experience, and my perspective were different than most. I believe the media is extremely influential, (both good and bad) and I wanted to be a person that would break barriers in mainstream media. Growing up, I never had someone to look up to that looked like me. Asian-American women weren’t on the cover of magazines or any main characters in films that weren’t stereotypical. I grew more passionate knowing that my purpose and motivations behind my dreams were to help be a part of that change and be a role model for young women.

How does your faith go hand in hand with pursuing your dream?

My relationship with God, I believe, is what grounds me to be able to pursue my dream. Modeling and acting are not the most stable career choices, and they’re also very unpredictable one’s. However, I have faith and confidence knowing that all the opportunities given to me were given by Him. You hear the word “no” a lot in this industry, but I always feel better knowing that God closes doors that aren’t meant for me and opens the ones that are. Whenever I’m stressed or starting to doubt myself, God always finds a way to affirm me in the most spontaneous ways. I wouldn’t be able to do what I do without my relationship with the Lord. I have full faith that God’s purpose and dreams for me are much bigger than anything I can imagine. He wants us to succeed and He has a purpose for us!

What’s one or two practical steps you take to keep moving forward?

I make it a point to set deadlines for myself. At the end of the day, I’m my own boss and my own brand, so it’s up to me to keep things moving forward. I make a list of projects I want to accomplish and give myself a deadline, along with a to-do list of smaller tasks that will help finalize the end goal. It’s a marathon, not a race. I also make sure to surround myself with friends that want the same things for me and will encourage me to push myself creatively.

What encouragement would you give someone who’s going after their dream?

Be encouraged knowing that choosing to pursue your dream in itself is an accomplishment! It’s not always an easy decision, so feel capable knowing that you made the choice to do something greater for yourself and for others. I used to be so afraid of failure, but now I’m hopeful. I now know that whatever happens down the road, I will be proud that I tried and made amazing memories, met great people, and made experiences that will shape my future regardless. Everyone has their own timeline and story, so trust in the Lord - He knows your heart’s desires and has a plan for you.


Insight (045)


Insight (044)