Insight (043)

When it comes to putting visuals to your dream, there seems to be just about a million questions that pop up. There’s a logo and website to think about, what kind of photos and videos you’ll need, and even the type of content you’ll wanna share on social media - And that’s just at a glance. Rather than getting lost in all the details, let’s take a look at the bigger picture. ⁣

Discovering your brand has a lot more to do with how you’re made and what you’re drawn to than it does with what’s “popular” and what “they’ll” think (whoever “they” are to you). Sure, you need to be mindful of trends and what’s most engaging for who you’re wanting to reach, but the foundation for your brand needs to be an extension of who you are and what you like. ⁣

A great place to start is by exploring who or what you seem to connect with the most. Are there brands in the industry you're pursuing that you gravitate toward? If so, take some time to write them down and think about why you like them so much. When you learn why you like something, you’ll discover preferences within you that you hadn’t noticed before. ⁣

When you have a better understanding of who your influences are, and what your favorite aspects of each one is, you’ll have uncovered reference points for the direction to go in. Once you’ve gained a clearer picture of how you want your visuals to come together, you’ll become more confident in owning each one of your decisions. ⁣

This will naturally take some time, so make sure to have fun with it.


Luke Andrews


Ally Sanov