Ally Sanov

Ally’s a professional dancer, teacher, and choreographer building her dreams in Chicago, IL.

In 2018, Ally co-founded Chicago’s first faith-based contemporary dance company, Forward the Movement. As both a dancer and entrepreneur, Ally teamed up with co-founder Kaytee Cox to bring their heart for performance, dance education, and youth outreach under one roof. Since then, Forward has raised over $6,000 in scholarships for Chicago dance students and produced sold out shows throughout the city.

Ally believes the art of dance can change the world, and she puts all of who she into that belief. As she continues moving in faith, her company keeps moving forward, creating a movement that’s making an impact both locally and internationally. We know you’ll be encouraged and inspired as you hear more from her heart, story, and pursuit.

What dream are you currently turning into reality?

I am currently a professional dancer, teacher, and choreographer in Chicago! Most recently, I co-founded Chicago’s first faith-based contemporary dance company, Forward the Movement. Forward maintains multiple avenues of impact within the dance community and beyond. Through quarterly performances, mission-trips, intensives, scholarships, and worship experiences, Forward is growing God’s Kingdom through the art of dance.

When did you first realize you discovered your dream?

Dancing in Chicago has been a dream God placed in my heart since I was seven years old. I grew up a competitive dancer, would come to Chicago for dance intensives every summer, and majored in dance in college. After college, I saved all my money to move there and pursue that dream whole-heartedly. After a year of living in Chicago, doing odd jobs, and dancing for different companies, God started to reveal to me that He wanted me to do more than just dance. He wanted me to lead people into His presence through movement. I thought He was CRAZY. After expressing what God was telling me to my best friend, we put our ideas together and created Forward the Movement.

How does your faith go hand in hand with pursuing your dream?

Forward the Movement literally wouldn't exist without God. In order to lead people into relationship with Him through movement, He is invited into every space we occupy. I dream bigger, trust more, and believe for more because of how He continues to shape my dream everyday. Co-directing Forward truly brings me closer to Him, because I have to trust that He is going to do what I can’t. The things that God has made possible through Forward are truly miraculous, and my dream allows me to watch Him show up every single time.

What’s one or two practical steps you take to keep moving forward?

WORSHIP! I spend time everyday worshipping God and thanking Him for what He’s doing in me and through Forward. It truly centers me and gives me the space to hear from Him and create new ideas and dreams. Sometimes it’s 5 minutes or 30 minutes, but taking the time to be one-on-one with the ultimate Dreamer increases my capacity to keep moving forward.
Another practical thing I do, is continuously perfect my craft. As a dancer, I have to take care of my body physically. I take dance class 3-4 times a week to continue advancing my movement and gain inspiration from other dancers in the Chicago community. Not only is it physically helpful, but it also helps me stay connected to the community I’m invested in.

What encouragement would you give someone who’s going after their dream?

The thing that has helped me the most, especially when my ideas seemed too crazy or daunting, is expressing my ideas to those around me. I truly believe there’s power in vulnerability, and chances are, your bravery to chase your dream is going to inspire someone else to do the same. If God is placing something big on your heart, talk about it. I’ve struggled a lot with not being the perfect co-director, perfect dancer, or perfect choreographer, but I’ve recently discovered that God only has imperfect people to work with. Lean into your imperfections, use them, and continue creating something beautiful.


Insight (043)


Insight (042)