Luke Andrews

Luke’s a killer musician pursuing his dreams and building his career in Nashville, TN.⁣

After half a decade touring and working in the music industry, Luke’s found himself to be just as energetic and passionate about music, people, and helping others as when he first started. Over the years, Luke’s had the opportunity to play with artists and bands like Brett Eldredge, Sugarland, For King & Country, and Family Force 5.

Luke believes what drives greatness is never about replicating the trends of the week, but connecting with the hearts you’re playing for. We know you’ll be encouraged and inspired as you hear more from his heart, story, and pursuit.

What dream are you currently turning into reality?

Right now, I’m writing and recording a Christian indie record - I’m talkin’ windows down, summertime sunsets, feel-good indie Jesus music. I couldn’t be more stoked about it!

When did you first realize you discovered your dream?

I like the idea of finding my “thing”, but in reality, I’m just in love with the pursuit of being a light in a dark world - I want to be a flashlight in a dark room. For the past seven years, I’ve worked in the music industry. I’ve toured with 13 different bands, doing everything from playing guitar in sold-out arenas, to selling t-shirts, stage managing, and guitar teching. I think it’s meant to be an adventure - Walking through new doors God opens.

How does your faith go hand in hand with pursuing your dream?

I can’t even take credit for anything I’ve done, it’s all God! It might sound wild, but that’s because it kinda is. I’ll be in my room praying, and I’ll literally get completely random calls from bands, managers, and producers - God works in mysterious ways!

What’s one or two practical steps you take to keep moving forward?

Pray and just do it. Reach out to a new person everyday - Whether it’s Instagram or the gas station. Also, collaborating with other people helps me big time!

What encouragement would you give someone who’s going after their dream?

It’s so encouraging for me to know that it’s not possible for God to love us more than He loves us right now - His love for us never changes. It’s not based on what we do, but on what Jesus has done, and it comes freely without any condition.
Also, surrender it all to God. I think about when God told Noah to build an ark. God didn’t just give Noah an ark, he had to work hard and build that thing! So let’s work hard, help build God’s kingdom, and follow our dreams with Godly ambition!


Insight (044)


Insight (043)