Victoria James

Victoria’s a fashion designer and storyteller pursuing her dreams from Nashville, TN.

Every step of Victoria’s journey has been led by faith, curiosity, and a willingness to move toward whatever God has next. Whether it’s trying something new, or building on what she knows, Victoria’s creative approach has continued to open new doors and expand her influence.

What dream are you currently turning into reality?

I believe I’m just getting started - Creating styles with different pieces of clothing or cutting out my favorite magazine cover. As cliche as it may sound, I’ve always had a passion for fashion and encouraging others.

Growing up, I would always try to save my Mom's monthly “Jet” magazines or even try to persuade my older sister into letting me borrow her clothes.

With my passion for art, fashion, and writing, I’m currently curating a few stories, blog posts, and editorial archives to release later this year. As a business major at Southeastern University, my plans are to combine those facets into a career.

When did you first realize you discovered your dream?

I decided to take a leap of faith and take a semester off of college, to be obedient to what God was calling me to. That leap was going to the “18 Inch Journey” - A discipleship school led by Jonathan and Melissa Helser and their team, the “Cageless Birds.”

Taking time for my heart was new to me. I was entering into a season where I put my life on pause to truthfully find myself and, ultimately, who God is. During that time, I had the opportunity to learn the art of Leather. This collective was designed for students to slow down and enjoy the steady rhythm of leather working. As we learned to work with materials that can endure a lifetime, we also began to see how the Lord was creating things within our hearts that last a lifetime.

Within our Leather Collective, I had the opportunity to learn about the craft of leather, how to sew journals, wallets, and bags. Learning how to sew and create leather pieces brought back memories I had as a kid, dreams of being in the fashion industry. The very pieces we are making weren’t just leather products, but testimonies to share.

During those two months, I realized I had been building my life without God and for the benefit of other people. God used the art of Leather to bring awareness to what I was becoming, and to heal and restore the missing pieces that were me.

I believe my Phase 1 journey in Sophia, NC, was the beginning of dreaming with God. He revealed dreams that went abandoned, dreams that I never thought I had, and dreams to keep going after.

How does your faith go hand in hand with pursuing your dream?

I genuinely believe we are beings who were born to create. To do what we see our Father doing. I believe Matthew 6:33 should be our constant posture, which says - "But seek first the kingdom and his righteousness, and all these things will be given to you."

Pursuing the Lord gives me the courage to keep going, patience to grow, and the ability to go far beyond what I can naturally do.

What’s one or two practical steps you take to keep moving forward?

Create the deadline and build the timeline. If you are anything like me, I sometimes postpone and delay things that I’m afraid I will fail at. But, that is not a healthy way of living. God desires to walk with us daily and practically. By setting a timeline, you honor your heart and no longer allow fear to drive your life. Believe that you are worth following through for.

Pray before you do anything. Your posture will either lead to burnout or abundance. When creating or building, be aware of the posture in which you build in. If you build something in fear and anxiety, it will take fear and anxiety to maintain it. But if you build on a firm foundation, something that relies entirely on the Holy Spirit, it will take Him to sustain it and not anything you can do in your strength.

What encouragement would you share with someone who’s going after their dream?

First and foremost, YOU HAVE TIME. In today's culture, where we see everyone and everything at our fingertips, it is easy to compare your season to others. When we truly grasp the timing of God, we’ll realize we’re right where we’re supposed to be. This gives us the ability to take off the pressure of arrival, and learn the freedom of being.

My encouragement to you is to press into every moment. Press into those moments where it gets messy, uneasy, and uncertain. God is still working even in the mundane life. He has something to say. Life has its ups and downs, but don’t be afraid of the mess. What you’re dreaming for might just be found within it.


Insight (137)


Insight (136)