Savanna Brown

Savanna’s a published love, life, and humanitarian photographer building her dreams from Atlanta, GA.

Traveling the world and collecting stories, Savanna’s life and creativity all point to what she believes and Who she believes in. With faith as the driver for all she does, there isn’t a place she goes where hope, compassion, and empathy doesn’t go with her. No matter the set she’s on, client she’s with, or place she’s published, Savanna remains grounded in her “why” before anything else.

When she’s not behind the camera, you can find her working with local churches, various non-profits, and encouraging everyone she meets.

What dream are you currently turning into reality?

The longer I live and reflect, the more I have begun to understand that “the dream” is not necessarily a destination, but rather a rhythm of life for me. It’s to live a richly abundant and honorable life anchored in Jesus, surrounded by family and friends. And currently, this dream is being empowered by various photography opportunities that allow me to advocate for people and share their stories with care + integrity.

When did you first realize you discovered your dream?

I specifically remember a time in high school when overwhelming grief (in my personal life) gave birth to unspeakable compassion and empathy for those around me. The suffering I was experiencing at the time was only preparing me for the deeper things of God, and all that He had (still has) for my life.

That moment created a space and desire where I knew I wanted to advocate for people, in the name of Jesus, for the rest of my life. In other words, it gave birth to a greater desire to hold peoples’ hearts + stories with kindness and care.

Since then, I’ve been joyfully fumbling my way through all of the above — Whether the vehicle be ministry, wedding photography, non-profit work, etc. I’ve watched the Lord continually order my steps and transform past pains into purpose.

How does your faith go hand in hand with pursuing your dream?

Plainly put, “the dream” would be non-existent if it weren’t for the grace and kindness of God. My faith is everything when it comes to the adventures of life and many dreams set before me. My faith grounds me, encourages me, humbles me, propels me, carries me, and more.

To know and love Jesus more (and more) is the greatest dream I have. And my prayer is that all that I am and what I accomplish on this side of Heaven points back to Him… the author and finisher of our faith.

What’s one or two practical steps you take to keep moving forward?

First, it’s a necessity for me to surround myself with people that call me higher — Whether that’s mentors, friends, educators… I surround myself with people that are constantly challenging me and holding me accountable. As a person, I desire to remain moldable and teachable, and I find these are the kinds of people that help me in that journey.

On a more operational level, I like to create S.M.A.R.T. goals. These are specific, measurable, attainable, relevant, and time-based goals (you can look this up — super helpful). My yearly intention is to take a solo-retreat once every quarter so I can map out these specific goals and attack them throughout the coming seasons with an end in mind.

What encouragement would you share with someone who’s going after their dream?

If I were sitting across from someone, I would look them in the eyes and tell them to not be afraid of the ups and downs that come with going after a dream.

Failure is a part of any and every story. And without it, we would be robbed of the gift of perseverance. The tenacity it takes to hold tight to a vision and mission is one that doesn’t come cheap. But it is always worth all areas of life.

Keep going and dig deep, friend. No one can do it like you!


Insight (142)


Insight (141)