Mason Mecartea

Mason’s an actor, writer, director, and producer getting after his dreams from Nashville, TN.

Whether it’s landing roles for major streaming services and film studios, or producing projects on his own, Mason’s faith in God and passion for cinema keeps him creating. As someone who's always up for the challenge and open to new opportunities, Mason’s found himself a part of projects that were once a dream.

At a young age, Mason knew he wanted to be a part of the entertainment world, and now with an expanding career, he does all he can to be a light inside it.

What dream are you currently turning into reality?

Acting and directing! Lately, the most surprising dream that’s becoming a reality is directing. This fall, some really cool opportunities came up, and directing has become a thing for me now.

I had my directorial debut in August for the music video “Space” by RYMAN. That video led me to another opportunity to direct, produce, and edit a music video for a different artist that came out in January.

When did you first realize you discovered your dream?

My Dad loved to make home movies with me - He’s always been a fantastic cinematographer. When I was about 5 years old, we made our first movie together called, “The Day the Toys Came to Life.” After watching him shoot, edit, and premiere for me the final product, I was sold. That’s when I knew I wanted to do this for the rest of my life.

I remember as a kid, even before discovering acting, directing was the end goal because I was in love with Steven Spielberg films. As I got older, my parents were so helpful in keeping me on task with moving forward in turning this dream into a profession. I eventually got an Atlanta based agent in high school, and ever since have been working hard producing my own work, networking with professionals, and auditioning constantly.

How does your faith go hand in hand with pursuing your dream?

It’s all about faith. God designed each and every one of us so specifically, so intricately, so perfectly according to his plan. There’s so much peace and adventure that comes with the pursuit of dreams. I believe the dreams, talents, and gifts God has given each of us are for a reason, and because of that, it helps me believe in myself.

Just remembering that everything is in His control, and according to His plan, keeps my head on straight and brings more confidence to my life. Having faith moves me forward in pursuing my dream. Everywhere I go, every project I’m a part of, I know God has called me to be a light.

What’s one or two practical steps you take to keep moving forward?

I’ve come to learn there is so much you can do on your own! In between auditions and booking gigs, I love to stay busy by writing, producing, and acting in my own work.

Book yourself when no one else is! Find some friends who are willing to create with you, and make something cool! It could help you get exposure, and in the end, it’s always good practice.

Goal setting is a great tool. Spend time talking with God every day about His plan for your life. Less waiting, more doing. Work with what you have!

What encouragement would you share with someone who’s going after their dream?

Sometimes, you can lose sight of hope and feel like it might not be worth your time. But, when I think of dreams, I think of the story of Joseph in the Bible. Joseph as a teenager had a dream of being a great ruler, a very confident and ambitious dream to have for sure. As the story goes, Joseph’s life spirals out of control and he loses everything. What’s so inspiring is that Joseph continues to hold onto his faith, he continues to believe in his dream. Eventually, Joseph does become a great ruler!

I believe that God has given every single one of us dreams, talents, and ambitions for a specific reason. Even when the odds seem against us and we can’t see where God’s plan is taking us, It would be a shame for us not to pursue them.

It takes work, commitment, and time to get to a dream, but keep your head up. Always believe in yourself. Put God first, and you’ll be blown away at the opportunities He will throw your way when you’re focused on Him. God wants you to live life to the fullest, so don’t give up, follow your dreams!


Insight (107)


Insight (106)