Edward Sun

We’re stoked to have our good friend Edward Sun (@edwardcreates) with us for this week’s Dreamos Round Table! Edward’s a brand strategist, digital artist, and product designer building his dreams from Atlanta, Georgia.

After transitioning from one dream and believing for another, God showed up big through an unexpected opportunity. With one decision of faith, Edward found himself in an entirely new world of design.

Since then, Edward’s become the lead designer at Braintrust Creative and a sought out content creator on Instagram, YouTube, and Visual Media Church. In all his work, he strives to bring more and more of God’s peace into the world. We know you’ll be encouraged and inspired as you hear more from his heart, story, and pursuit.

What dream are you currently turning into reality?

As a designer, I’m striving to reach a position in the world where I can leverage my skills and influence to help my community thrive in godliness, equity, and love. I want to spend all my energy using what I love (design) to serve those I love (God and his people).

When did you first realize you discovered your dream?

It was when my current employer, Braintrust Creative, took a chance on me. I was an uneducated and inexperienced college grad who was barely familiar with Photoshop. I applied for the job, because I spent all I had on an old dream for the music industry. This job came out of nowhere and rescued me.

Design had always been an obsession of mine, but I never thought I could get into the field without any training or background in visual art. Once I landed the job at Braintrust, I discovered this dream can really work, and it can really be my own.

How does your faith go hand in hand with pursuing your dream?

God pretty much jump started this dream. He paved my way into the design field by providing a way for me to pay rent through this job!

Beyond that though, God has taught me to be more concerned with the purpose of a career than the career itself. What is it for? Why do I even care? How does it fit into God’s will?

That’s why my dream is to love God and people - The two greatest commandments according to Jesus. The medium is design - It’s a powerful tool I can use to unpack Scripture, give to the needy, and empower churches, non-profits, and other organizations who are working to better the world.

What’s one or two practical steps you take to keep moving forward?

I create something new every day and release it to the world. This keeps me growing every day and stops perfectionism from paralyzing me. It’s also connected me with incredible artists and opportunities around the world.

I also set boundaries for everything, especially work. That means nothing consumes your life, and you don’t lose balance unless there’s an urgent need. I rest every seventh day. I make room for intimate, vulnerable, grace-filled social interactions on a regular basis. I protect my time alone with God every morning. I open myself to the accountability of my church community.

Without steps like these, I could never close the distance between where I am and my dream.

What encouragement would you share with someone who’s going after their dream?

Seek first the kingdom of God, and He’ll give you everything you need. Ask God for wisdom, and He will give it to you generously. Tell God your worries and He’ll give you a peace that makes zero sense. Start with God - You’ll only go as far as your intimacy with Him is deep.


Insight (064)


Insight (063)