Insight (063)

However you’re thinking about your future is typically how you’re creating it. If thought bubbles were to appear above your head, what kind of words would you see? Would you feel good after reading them or feel a little down? If what you’d see doesn’t point to where you’re dreaming to go, you’ll need to rethink the words you’ve been telling yourself.

The thing is, a train of thought always leads to a destination. So, when what you’re thinking isn’t where you wanna be heading, it’s time to hop off that train and onto another. You can actually do that you know? You can choose what you wanna think about, decide where you want your thoughts to go.

What if you decided not to board any more runaway trains? What if, from now on, you only chose thoughts that took you forward? I’m guessing you’d be on your way to the future you’ve been dreaming about.


Edward Sun


Reed Deming