Antoine Bradford

We’re stoked to welcome our friend Antoine Bradford to this week’s Dreamos Round Table! Antoine’s a singer/songwriter pursuing his dreams from Southern California.

Growing up in church, Antoine’s music has been heavily influenced by his roots of gospel and soul.⁣ Since becoming a Christian, he’s fused together his artistry and gospel-centered vision to create a sound that connects with listeners from all walks of life.

⁣Antoine’s latest EP’s, "Even in the Dark" and “Dear Struggling Christian,” were both birthed from a place of seeing a lack of honesty about being a Christian, and the realities of struggles we all face.
⁣Whether it’s through his songs, or simple conversations, Antoine’s passion is to reach others in a way that inspires faith, honesty, and authentic dialogue about the hope of Jesus. We know you’ll be encouraged and inspired as you hear more from his heart, story, and pursuit.

What dream are you currently turning into reality?

As long as I can remember, I’ve always had the desire to become a recording artist. Over the past few years, I’ve seen the Lord open up so many doors, confirming that “this is the way” to go for me! 

When did you first realize you discovered your dream?

I think it was around 2014 when I began noticing people starting to resonate with my music. That’s what started to fuel a desire in me to continue pursuing this path and seeing where it would lead. Ever since I was young, I always had a dream of being a singer/songwriter, and the pieces of that dream started to come together around that 2013 / 2014 season! But, unexpectedly, my dad passed away in 2015, and that caused me to pause and re-gather my hopes, dreams, and even my faith. I met my wife around that same time, and I honestly feel like that’s when the spark of creativity started to flow in me again! 

How does your faith go hand in hand with pursuing your dream?

Faith is extremely important, especially if you’re a Christian. You have to trust that God’s plan and purposes are for your good, and for the good of those around you with your career. Following Jesus goes hand and hand with pursuing your career and dream - He is in all of it, and should be included in all of it!

What are some practical steps you take to keep moving forward?

What I usually do is mark out a few artists that inspire me, and listen to glean from their work as much as possible. That helps my passion and drive stay alive, and it keeps me seeking creative ways to tell stories through my music.

What encouragement would you give someone who’s going after their dream?

Do what you love to do - There is no conflict between your passion and serving and loving God. Your gifts are meant to glorify God and bring healing and hope to others. No matter what other people say, pursue your passion and the good of others. Do that, and everything will work out. Keep the joy and love of what you do at the center of it all - Don’t lose sight of that. There’s no need to chase fame or success - Those things are a by-product of doing what you are called to do!


Inspiration (037)


Insight (036)