Insight (036)

When you discover your dream, develop the vision, and create a map to get there, you’ll find a little magic in every step you take - All you’ll need to do is look for it. You see, each step you take is a step of faith, and it’s faith that turns dreams into reality. Step by step, one after the next, you’re bringing more and more of your dream to life.

That agenda you put together, that email you sent out, that phone call you made, that rehearsal you scheduled, that post you shared...that’s all faith...and that kind of faith is what builds dreams.

With each step forward, you’re literally changing your future, unlocking potential, and gaining more traction for the journey ahead. Every morning, when you set out to take on the day, remember to look back on each step you made...each one proves your progress..proves your faith.

If you have any questions about Steps so far, feel free to shoot over a message. Excited to continue on in our journey of Dream Development next week.


Antoine Bradford


Inspiration (036)