Anna Turkington

Anna’s a ballerina pursuing her dreams and training at Goh Ballet in Toronto, Canada.

Anna’s faith, courage, drive, resilience, and optimism are just a few ways to describe the foundation for how she’s gotten to where she is today. In an industry where comparison and perfectionism are the norm, Anna finds peace and purpose in what she does by placing her identity in who God has made her to be.

Her consistency, work ethic, and dedication to her craft have empowered her to win 1st place at the international ballet competition, Youth American Grand Prix, three years in a row. She has also performed in various events and most recently made an appearance in Hallmark’s “A Nutcracker Christmas.”

With all Anna’s has already achieved, she’s really only just getting started. We know you’ll be encouraged as you hear more from her story and pursuit on our blog and weekly newsletter.

What dream are you currently turning into reality?

A long-time aspiration of mine is to become a professional ballerina. This would entail working in a ballet company to perform various classical and contemporary works on local and international stages.

By the abundant grace of God, I have been fortunate enough to win worldwide competitions that have enabled scholarships and training at prestigious ballet schools. Each minute – or shall I say pirouette – in the ballet studio is another step towards this childhood dream.

Other factors such as flexible online schooling, constant conditioning, living healthfully, and the most caring parents have assisted in turning this glittery dream into reality. It is not easy, let me tell you - though the bliss of performing on a stage negates every single bloody blister.

When did you first realize you discovered your dream?

Funny story… I repulsed ballet when I first began dancing. I was the kid who adored acrobatics, jazz, contemporary, as some would say, “the fun stuff.” I never enjoyed doing the tasks that I was not good at, therefore I never enjoyed ballet.

Yet, after being exposed to a true ballet school, I fell in love with the art form and was immediately drawn to the magic of pointe shoes. I slowly began to learn that it is not about perfection, as much as coaches nit-pick. It is about telling a story and connecting with others in a way that words and still photographs cannot.

I no longer saw the challenges as stumbling blocks, but rather as stepping stones. It was at this August ballet intensive that I told my mom that I wanted to return in September full-time (AKA all-day training, 6 days per week… yes, she was very curious as to where her hip-hopping daughter went). The rest is history!

How does your faith go hand in hand with pursuing your dream?

As much as you would assume that ballet is all frills, tutus, and optimism, it is hardcore. In fact, studies have shown that dancers have the most physically demanding and competitive job in the United States.

So many girls (and guys) share the same dream. As a result, the comparison game is real. You are unfortunately always competing with others to land that contract or make that audition – who has the higher extensions, who has the better body. Galatians 1:10 says, “For am I now seeking the approval of man, or of God? Or am I trying to please man? If I were still trying to please man, I would not be a servant of Christ.” This hits home for me, as dancers prioritize the approval and praise of others first and foremost.

Through finding faith in the midst of ballet training, God has continually reminded me to not look left or right, but to look UP. Up to His glorious Kingdom and guidance. I would not and could not be where I am today without the Lord. He has provided strength to get through two years of online training and He has provided peace, hope, and comfort in knowing who holds my days.

Jesus beautifully says in John 14:27, “Peace I leave with you; my peace I give to you. Not as the world gives do I give to you. Let not your hearts be troubled, neither let them be afraid.” There is nothing else in this world that can provide the same everlasting peace Jesus brings. This verse has provided soooo much ease when it comes to getting frustrated during rehearsals or spiraling down the comparison game. Why? Because our courage comes from His perfect peace which is not connected to our circumstances, but rather the sovereign and steadfast God we serve.

Even in the not-so-peaceful moments, we can lean into the source of peace (the One who created sunsets) because He is the same yesterday, today, and forever! If you asked me years ago why I dance I would struggle to come up with a solid, meaningful answer. But if you ask me now, my answer would be to praise Jesus. Psalm 149:3 illustrates this best: “Let them praise His name with dancing, making melody to Him with tambourine and lyre!”

What’s one or two practical steps you take to keep moving forward?

So often, we fill the pauses in our already cluttered lives with more clutter. I will be the first to admit I go on my phone while waiting in line, scroll aimlessly through social media, while watching TV, while doing schoolwork, and fill my ears with unfulfilling content.

In so many times throughout Scripture, God whispers to His people. If our minds are constantly occupied, how could we possibly hear His whispers? We can only hear whispers when we’re quiet. We run to the very things that end up depleting our souls rather than taking a moment to pause and allow God to replenish our souls.

Something that has helped tremendously moving forward is not filling those pauses in my day with more clutter, but rather tuning into His whispers. God speaks to us in whispers because He is close. To hear a whisper, we must lean in. William Penn says this, “In the rush and noise of life, as you have intervals, step home within yourselves and be still. Wait upon God and feel His good presence: this will carry you evenly through your day’s business.”

Taking this time to step back and unwind allows me to refocus my thoughts, see the beauty of God’s creation, and avoid leaning into my own understanding. Instead of going on my phone when on a car ride, I now watch the sky and the trees in awe. Subsequently, my heart and mind are better prepared for the next task of the day. Pauses are not a bad thing, in fact, they can be quite fruitful. This is not a call to sitting back at all times, but rather a call to managing your time so God is actively on the throne of your life. So, in short… pause, breathe, appreciate, and let God.

“For God alone, O my soul, wait in silence, for my hope is from Him.” – Psalm 62:5

What encouragement would you share with someone who’s going after their dream?

My encouragement to someone going after their dream is to keep going! I believe in you! As the cliché quotes on throw pillows go, “dreams don’t work unless you do.” Dreams require trusting God with the process and results, aligning with His will, saturating your situations with prayer, seeking help from trusted mentors, and putting in the work.

For instance, I feel thrown off from just a few days without ballet. I have to put in the work on my end to reach these goals and trust God with the outcome. This is a big work in progress for me, but it is very helpful. “Commit your work to the Lord, and your plans will be established’ – Proverbs 16:3.

God never breaks a promise, and He promises to direct your steps and be by your side always when you commit your heart, mind, dreams, and even work (whether it be training, washing dishes, teaching, etc.) to the One who gave you the ability to dream in the first place.


Seth Parks


Insight (127)