Aña Monique

We’re so excited to welcome our friend and visual storyteller, Aña Monique, to this week’s Dreamos Round Table. Aña’s an incredible photographer who grew up in Honolulu, Hawaii, and is now building her dreams from Nashville, TN.  

Over the course of her career, Aña has gained the reputation of having the ability to capture the true essence of any individual who steps in front of her camera.  Even now, as a sought after portrait photographer, Aña continues to dream bigger and push past the limits for what’s possible. 

⁣With faith leading the way, Aña continues using her own personal experiences to connect and make a difference in the lives of those around her. We know you’ll be encouraged and inspired as you hear more from her heart, story, and pursuit.

What dream are you currently turning into reality?

I am turning my love of images into my career of being a portrait photographer and eventually move into directing films. It is all about storytelling through imagery. 

When did you first realize you discovered your dream?

I have always known I was in love with imagery and art from as long as I can remember. I have always been a very pensive and observant person and loved watching people, trying to see who they REALLY were. I love how one single image can say more sometimes than the spoken word can.

About 11 years ago, I was thrown into a situation to photograph a small photoshoot as the original photographer pulled out of the shoot last minute. I held my breath, said a quick prayer and went for it. I quickly loved the connection I could establish with the subject I was photographing and the idea of  being able to allow them to be so comfortable, they would be vulnerable enough to show me who they really were. I realized the fact that I could capture this moment on film was when I knew…Yes…THIS is what I was made to do. I have since dabbled in moving imagery and hope one day to write, produce, and direct film, but telling stories through images (still or moving) is surely my dream and career pursuit. 

How does your faith go hand in hand with pursuing your dream?

My faith in God has become my anchor with pursuing my dreams. I know that through HIM all things are possible! I have learned to sit quietly and really lean into His guidance - I listen for His clues and directions over my life. I can tell you, even when I am a stubborn daughter and try it my own way, it never turns out right. With that lesson, I have learned to really have faith in knowing and surrendering to what He has planned for me. I do feel like it is my calling, and I pray daily that I am used to glorify HIM. 

What encouragement would you give someone who’s going after their dream?

Never give up and never compare yourself! I know it is so tough to do that, especially when we live in a world where comparison is common. Find the silver lining in your failures and learn from them. Be malleable and put one foot in front of the other. Even during these trying times of the world, know that God made you in His image, and that means you have the ability to be great beyond your wildest dreams! Isn’t that exciting?! What a gift! Pursue your dream because it's your passion and do not chase fame - Chasing fame never works out. Most of all…BE KIND.


Inspiration (033)


Insight (032)