Insight (032)

In last week’s Insight, we talked through the value of goal creation, and the role it plays in helping you reach your dreams. This week, we’ll continue the conversation, taking a look at how, when creating goals, you become both the director and designer for your progress. ⁣

To create your goals, you’ll need to envision the outcome you want and draw up a plan to get there. You’ll start with something simple, but often overlooked - Writing out your goals. Once written, they become real, something tangible. When you’re able to see your goals in front of you, it becomes much easier to prioritize which one’s go where. ⁣

When mapping out your goals, you’ll want to be sure to arrange them in a way that leads right to the outcome you’re after. It might take a handful of sketches before reaching your final draft, but creating a map to your dream will always be worth the time you put into it. ⁣

We’ll take a closer look at how to position your goals for the greatest progress next week. If you have any questions about goal creation, shoot over a message, and we’ll talk it through! Stoked for what’s ahead. ✨


Aña Monique


Inspiration (032)