Insight (090)

If you’ve ever felt a little freaked out about taking that next step forward, you’re in good company. No one who’s ever gone after their dream has ever kept their cool the entire way there. I mean, if they say they did, they’re probably an alien or something, so it’s probably best to keep your distance.

Honestly though, going after big dreams can call for big risks, but taking those risks will always be worth it. You might not think so at first, and I get it, it doesn’t always feel that way. But, as scary as the unknown might seem, it’s always a whole lot scarier in your mind.

That’s why it’s super important to get out of your head as fast as you can. The quicker you can move from thoughts of fear to steps of faith, the sooner you’ll find out it wasn’t all that bad. Plus, you’ll have another story about how faith won out, yet again.


Laurènne Paladino


Kyrsten Johns