Insight (041)

Oftentimes, dreams take a whole lot longer to get to than we would’ve hoped. Challenges pop up, changes come quick, and setbacks overstay their welcome. Fear likes twisting those moments into reasons to stop, but faith knows just how important it is for you to keep going. ⁣⁣
In times that seem a little backwards, and moments that leave you turned around, let faith be your compass. Faith looks beyond the present and sees the reality you’ve been longing to reach. God knows how to get where you want to go, even when it doesn’t look at all like you thought it would. That’s just how He does things.⁣⁣
God designs the journey in a way where His strength is relied on while your courage is called upon. He wants you to do all you can while trusting He’ll do what He always does. ⁣

No matter how things look or what feelings come up, let faith continue to guide you. The road might wind with some bumps along the way, but put your trust in what you believe. Every turn is taking you exactly where you need to be.


Devin Bill


Arifé Del Cielo