Insight (033)

This week, we’re picking up right where we left off - Figuring out which goals go where. You’ll wanna start by taking a look at each of your goals and decide whether they’re a big goal or a small goal. The bigger the goal, the further on in the journey you’ll reach them - Small goals are met along the way to each big goal. ⁣

Take a minute to think about and write down where you are and where you want to go. Then, take a look at your written goals (from last week) and notice which ones are closer to where you are (smaller), and which ones are closer to your dream (bigger). Now, go ahead and name each one, either big or small. Once you’ve named them, arrange them all from smallest to biggest (The biggest one being your dream).⁣ ⁣

If you need some help figuring out your smallest, or first goal, think about what you have right now that could be used to start moving forward. Maybe it’s a friend you could get some insight from, or maybe it’s taking the time to write out your goals. Whatever you find as the simplest, or smallest goal to reach, that’s where you’ll wanna start. ⁣

The finishing touches for goal creation is all about timing. Whether it’s a big or small goal, they’re a lot more likely to be met when you know when you’d like to meet them. So, what you’re gonna wanna do is write down the day, month, and year for when you’ll be reaching each one. There will be some that need to be tweaked here and there along the way (From unexpected changes - ie: Covid-19), but creating a timestamp will keep you moving forward toward the goals that you want, in the timing that you want them.


John Castillo


Inspiration (033)