Insight (019)

This week we’re beginning phase two of vision development! Once you’ve written your dream summary, it’s a good idea to read it through again (and again), revising any part that needs added clarity. When you're able to communicate your dream in a way that connects with others, you’ll be set for the next step - Creating your Vision Statement.

Your Vision Statement is a condensed version of your dream summary. It captures the main points of your dream, focusing on the impact and outcome of your pursuit. You’ll know your Vision Statement is locked in when it’s clear, memorable, and written in one sentence.

When you’re feeling good about what you’ve come up with, take some time and share your Dream Summary and Vision Statement with a trusted friend - Someone who’s encouraging, supportive, and can offer constructive feedback. Make sure to create a document with your Dream Summary at the top and your Vision Statement just below it. Looking forward to talking through the next step next week!


Dash Garcia


Inspiration (019)