Insight (005)

Over these past few weeks, we’ve talked through how when you learn more about yourself, you’ll learn more about your dreams. God made it that way. He designed you and your dreams to perfectly compliment one another. It’s a pairing He put together the moment He imagined creating you. It’s why talking to Him is so important. He knows how it all makes sense, and He wants to help it make sense to you. ⁣

As you continue exploring ideas and possible direction, bring God into the conversation. Share what you’ve thought about over these past few weeks and listen for what He has to say. When you notice a nudge, a sense of ease, or when your thoughts just seem to click, go ahead and write it down. Those are a couple ways He’ll be talking to you.⁣

If you need a little help, set up some time to talk this process through with those you’ve been sharing your dreams with. When they have their own relationship with God, they’ll be able to help you out with yours. See you next week for step six of dream discovery.


Amy Waters


Inspiration (005)