Insight (103)
You don’t need to force things to happen or rush things to happen for them to finally...happen..
Insight (102)
2022 doesn’t have to be an ordinary year, but one filled with big faith, wild dreams, and epic adventures..
Insight (101)
When you look back on the last twelve months, let the highs and lows remind you of who you are and how far you’ve come..
Jordan Armstrong
Jordan’s a filmmaker and worship leader getting after all his dreams from Pittsburgh, PA..
Insight (100)
When you don’t think you have anything left in you to keep going, I promise, you do..
Christian Salibo
Christian’s a photographer and videographer getting after his dreams in Los Angeles and San Diego, CA..
Lucas Sankey
Lucas is a portrait photographer and creative director pursuing his dreams from Northern California..
David Brotzman
David’s a Director of Photography and Video Producer building his dreams from Rochester, NY..
Insight (096)
Getting to a dream isn’t about luck, chance, or random coincidence. It’s about faith, courage, and intentional action..
Sarah Snow
Sarah’s a fashion stylist, worship leader, and artist coordinator pursuing her dreams from Charlotte, North Carolina..
Heather Hamilton
Heather’s a professional dancer, choreographer, and coach getting after her dreams from Nashville, TN.
Insight (094)
This might sound a little harsh, but feelings aren’t always gonna be your friends..
Josiah Woods
Josiah’s a filmmaker and creative director pursuing his dreams from North Carolina..