Winston Tao

We’re so stoked to have our good friend Winston Tao with us for this week’s Dreamos Round Table. Winston and his brother Aaron Tao (TwinTaoers) are a filmmaking duo represented by CAA and 3Arts. They have won multiple awards (Cannes YDA Awards, Webby Awards, One Show, Vimeo Staff Pick) for their original short films - “Sleep Well, My Baby,” and “SuperMaarko,” and are currently attached to direct their first feature later this year with Automatik and MRC/A-Major. They've been pursuing their dream for over 10 years now, and we hope you're encouraged by hearing a little more from Winston about what it's been like along the journey.

What dream are you currently turning into reality?

Becoming a feature film filmmaker and having my films play on the big screen before everything turns into streaming haha.

When did you first realize you discovered your dream?

Last year was a pivotal year for me, because I got signed with CAA, one of the largest film/television agencies in Hollywood - so my dream is now becoming a reality more than ever. It showed me that I actually had what it took to do what I always dreamed of doing. I got attached to three film projects that year, and got sent around town for meetings with the top production companies in the world to pitch them: Agbo, Bad Robot, Imagine, A24, Grandview/Automatik, Paramount, Netflix - the list goes on and on. It was a surreal experience, but it also showed me how obtainable everything was, and how, at the end of the day, everyone is rooting for you to be successful - because your success means their success.  Everyone is helping each other get to the top. You can’t be in film and expect to do anything alone. It’s very team oriented.     

How does your faith go hand in hand with pursuing your dream?

I’ve been doing this for over 10 years now, and have wanted to quit multiple times along the way. Each time I’ve wanted to quit and head a different direction, God would speak to me and my brother (I do this with my twin brother), through someone else to encourage us to keep going. At the very beginning of our journey, both my brother and I knew that we wanted to dedicate our careers to the Lord, and we’ve been able to keep each other accountable because of it. We knew early on that we weren’t called to do “faith-based” films for numerous reasons, but we found our niche doing socially conscious films. And that journey has been extremely fulfilling.

What encouragement would you give someone who’s going after their dream?

Community is everything. Surrounding yourself with people who have the same passions, desires, and dreams - and the same belief system - will keep you accountable and inspire you to keep going when times are tough.


Inspiration (004)


Insight (003)