Tyler Libby

Tyler’s a photographer and videographer building his dreams from Bangor, Maine.

Tyler’s been stepping out in faith and pursuing his dreams with purpose and passion at the center of all he does. With the belief that every moment counts, Tyler looks for ways to make the most of every opportunity.

Whether it’s shooting concerts or capturing worship experiences, Tyler’s unique perspective and approach to visual storytelling is felt in everything he creates.

What dream are you currently turning into reality?

My dream is to one day be a tour photographer and/or videographer for a music artist. I currently serve at my local church as the creative director. I’m very grateful for what that position has taught me so far, and how it’s a step towards my dream.

When did you first realize you discovered your dream?

During my senior year of high school, I came to the realization that I wanted to pursue this passion for creating as a full time job. In the fall, I was given an opportunity to be one of the many people to help launch a church in my area. This gave me a space to explore photography and videography in a whole new way.

I received my first mirrorless camera as a graduation gift. In the summer, I attended a local Christian music festival and was able to get permission to capture the event. It was at that festival where I fell in love with photography and knew that I wanted to devote my time and energy to improve in any way I could.

How does your faith go hand in hand with pursuing your dream?

As I pursue this dream, I’ve realized the importance of being in an active relationship with the Lord - Learning to hear His voice and follow His guidance.

I’ve also been challenged recently to truly work with God rather than for God. When Christ is at the center of my life, it allows my work to be a true reflection of Him. If He’s given me a gifting and desire, what better for me to do than allow His glory to shine through me and my work?

What’s one or two practical steps you take to keep moving forward?

I find that how I start my day and when I start my day plays a huge role in my productivity. On days when I am able to be up early and spend time with the Lord first, my day is always more productive.

Rather than comparing your work with others, look for ways to gain inspiration from them without allowing discouragement or jealousy to grow. This one is hard, but growth often comes from stepping out and doing things differently than you’ve ever done before.

What encouragement would you share with someone who’s going after their dream?

Pursue Jesus above all else. The personal relationship you have with Him will be the most integral part in living out your dream. The enemy will do his best to distract and discourage, but God comes to empower and encourage, giving you the endurance to live out your dream.

Follow the dream God placed inside of you. He’s entrusted you with the giftings and desires to carry it out for a specific purpose. The first steps are often the hardest, you may feel unqualified and incapable of pursuing something seemingly so big. But the good news is that His power works best in our weakness. He wants to excavate the gifting that He’s placed inside of you.


Insight (127)


Insight (126)